A few years back, Michael Bloomberg's TV networks were blocked from China. Basically, China told Bloomberg to two the Chinese party line is what hit the airwaves in China or to get out. Bloomberg quickly fell in step with China's oppressive and restrictive TV guidelines of censorship and disinformation and was allowed to re-enter the Chinese market. Bloomberg did this through self-censorship - a common trait among American billionaires who deem potential profits from China's huge citizenry is more important than upholding Human Rights and the American Constitution and liberties. If Bloomberg does not continue to reaffirm Chinese values on his networks operating in China, he will not be allowed to continue operating in China. Clearly, his personal greed dictates the direction of his Bloomberg network at any expense even American values, laws and the human rights of the Chinese people. Mr. Stop and Frisk is complicit in pushing China's communist party agenda. He refuses to put America First!
Related News:
China Lifts Ban on State-Owned Firms Buying Bloomberg Terminals (Sept. 6, 2016)
Bloomberg Expands into China (Oct 25, 2010)
Michael Bloomberg's China Record Shows Why He Can't Be President (Nov. 13, 2019)